
Friday, May 28, 2010

Janine's Booklegger Graduation!

On Thursday, May 27th, I took my official Booklegger Oath as the culmination of 8, 3-hour training sessions plus the preparation and presentation of my first program to 6 second-grade classes at Parkmont Elementary. All of the training and rehearsing was worth every minute when the kids in the classes would light up after my program and tell me which books they were planning on checking out! I love being a booklegger!

Booklegger Oath
"On my honor as a Booklegger I promise never to reveal an ending and never to booktalk a book I have not read. As a Booklegger I will endeavor to invest those books with all of the interest and excitement which is inherent in them.

Furthermore, I promise to approach each class with enthusiasm, to read voraciously to enable myself to present fresh programs and to unfailingly carry the word of good books to the classrooms of the Fremont Unified School District.

I solemnly undertake this pledge in the firm expectation that children will lead happier, more interesting lives as a result of my efforts as a Booklegger."

The Alameda County Library Booklegger's Class of Spring 2010, "Reading Roundup Posse," Cindy, Tracy, Cora and I (Madeline really wanted to come up, too).
Gail Orwig and Dominique Hutches demonstrate ceremonial oath-taking.
Here are the girls and I with the officiating Book Fairy.
The beautiful book fairy, Gina!
Hmmmm...I might just have to borrow that outfit for Halloween...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're adorable Janine! I can't believe you're a booklegger! Congrats! I always loved when they came to our class and told us about books .. I would always head for the library to check those ones out first! Love it! You're awesome. You're so crazy busy! You're a wonderful mom. Keep up the good work! Miss you!